Friends of the WCPL
The mission of the Friends of the White County Public Libraries is to support our local libraries through advocacy, fundraising, and volunteerism.
Contact them at and visit their Facebook Page.
What is a Friend?
A Friend is a library advocate!
Friends promote community understanding of the needs and services of the White County Libraries.
Friends raise and contribute funds for materials, equipment, and services that cannot be funded through the regular budget.
Friends advocate to local Commissioners, as well as state and federal government on behalf of the library.
Friends act as liaisons between the community and the library.
Friends can also volunteer to help with special library events.
Friends tell others about the Friends and their goals to broaden community support for the library and the Friends.
The Friends is for everyone in our community who is interested in books and libraries, to focus attention on library services and needs and to stimulate gifts, endowments and benefits for the library. Our library system has many needs which cannot be met through regular funding.
Our goal is to help in every way we can to develop the White County Libraries.
Your membership in the Friends of the White County Libraries is important to our community!
If you’d like to join the Friends of the White County Libraries, you can download the form below and mail the form and payment to P.O. Box 2003, Cleveland, GA 30528 or drop both off at the circulation desk at either the White County Library Cleveland or the White County Library Helen OR use your credit card at this site.
All members of Friends of the White County Libraries are all encouraged to attend planning meetings, which are held on the first Thursday of every month at either the White County Library Cleveland or the White County Library Helen.
*Information for this page was taken from the Friends of the White County Libraries flier available at both White County Libraries.
Visit FWCPL other pages on our site by using the drop down menu above, or clicking the links below!
Membership Form
Pay by Credit Card
Events and Promotions
FWCPL Newsletters
Friends of the WCPL Board